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Lori Kizer's Vintage Jewelry
Specializing in Bakelite, Lucite & Wood
Lucite, Galalith, Wood, Resin & Other Plastic Bangles > LG163 contemporary carved 2 tone lucite bangles
LG163 contemporary carved 2 tone lucite bangles

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Price: $28.00
Availability: in stock

These bangles are contemporary hand carved lucite made to mimic vintage bakelite bangles. To me they're not fooling a bakelite collector but they are attractive and you certainly can wear them everyday without worrying about damaging an expensive collector piece. They also look great mixed with vintage bakelite.


These two lucite bangles are 2 tone and carved to reveal the base color, either butter or pine on black.  Each bangle measures 3/4" wide X just over 2 1/2" X 3/16" wall thickness.

New condition

Priced separately