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Lori Kizer's Vintage Jewelry
Specializing in Bakelite, Lucite & Wood
Lucite, Galalith, Wood, Resin & Other Plastic Bangles > LG161 contemporary carved transparent lucite bangles
LG161 contemporary carved transparent lucite bangles

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Price: $28.00
Availability: in stock

These bangles are contemporary hand carved lucite made to mimic vintage bakelite bangles. To me they're not fooling a bakelite collector but they are attractive and you certainly can wear them everyday without worrying about damaging an expensive collector piece. 

The reverse carved striped bangle measures 1" wide X 2 9/16" wrist X 3/8" wall thickness.  SOLD

The four leaf carved bangles measure 1" wide X an extra large 2 7/8" wrist X 5/16" wall thickness.  Unless you have a large hand, these are best worn farther up the arm with an anchor bangle to keep them from falling off.  

All in new condition

Sold separately